Study And Play Math!
Math4kid is an innovative and advanced site for teaching kids math through play and challenges. It is suitable for kindergarten through the lower grades of school. The purpose of the site is to expose children at young ages to numbers so that they can love math through a good experience, and not look at numbers as threatening. This unique experience will also affect their future as adults.
The games and study content on the Math4kid website are very user friendly, tailored to the ages of the children and are divided according to different levels of difficulty. Behind the development is a professional team of developers and expert professionals in their field, who developed the games after consulting with teachers and educational staff.
This site has three areas to choose from. The Demo Area, a fun Practice Area and a colorful Game Area.

A Bit About The Areas On The Site.

The Demo Area This area is intended to illustrate for children math operations without any intervention on their part. The children watch the exercises performed in front of their eyes with the help of balls and animations, so they learn the results orally and have instilled in them mathematical analogies. The Demo Area can even promote learning numbers for kindergarten kids.
The Practice Area This area allows children to practice math exercises completely independently and without competition with other children. They can practice individually without the peer pressure of other children which sometimes can be distracting. The practice is very friendly and inspires the children to do exercises different from their familiar homework and practice pages.
The Game Area The games in this area are based on a combination of the demo and practice areas. This area is full of animation, background sounds, and challenges. In the game area, the children will be able to choose the level that suits them and progress at their own pace. For example, the child can choose adding and subtraction, multiplication and division exercises at different levels. To challenge the participant, there is a feature that automatically moves them to a higher level according to their success. So, the child and the game move on together.
The Math4kid team continues to develop the existing games and will periodically update features and other exercises later. Using the site is completely free and allows for fun and play at no cost.
We wish your children lots of fun, and hope they get the most out of the site!